Rules Are Meant to Be Broken

Allow me to share some insight with you: all of these rules out there only exist to penalise honest people. They’re meant to be broken, if only by those who made them. I’m serious, and I mean it literally.
You don’t follow me? Let’s look at campaign finance laws, for example. They’re routinely violated, culprits regularly get caught, they get a slap on the wrist and get away with it. The system works like this by design, for the purpose of favouring those who break rules over boy scouts.
The same goes with the financial sector, in which penalties are just the cost of doing business. That’s how Wall Street got away with massive fraud leading to the 2008 crash. They’re just too big to fail… or rather too big to prosecute by design.
COVID restrictions? Have a look at the following sample:
These 12 High-Profile Politicians Got Caught Violating Their Own COVID Rules
French ministers accused of dining at secret restaurants during pandemic restrictions
Canada: politicians punished for holiday travel despite Covid warnings
While some of the above have indeed received a slap on the wrist, their only crime from the government’s standpoint was to have embarrassed it by getting caught, that’s all. Politicians’ only rule is to avoid scandal.
So one might wonder then: What’s the point? Why make these rules even they don’t believe in? Asking the question is denying the answer: Because they can. Because they’re sociopaths, and therefore define themselves by how they oppress people beneath them. There is no reason, never has been, never will be. Complying is for suckers who don’t understand they’re just sheep herded by foxes.
And that’s why civil disobedience is the only way out. Otherwise we just end up being subjected to the converse, which is being coerced into pleading guilty to offences we did not commit. Make no mistake: just like these bogus rules let the dishonest off the hook by design, so do they make innocent people guilty of being honest.

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