Dozens Attend Canada Health Alliance’s Candlelight Vigil to Commemorate Vaccine Injuries at BC Legislature in Victoria

Claims of vaccine injuries are often met with frowns, if not knee-jerk denial. The people who gathered to speak tonight had some personal experiences to share that were rather difficult to dismiss.

Dozens of Victorians gathered to share stories of people, may they be themselves, relatives, or acquaintances, having been injured by either vaccines or vaccine mandates, at a candlelight vigil organised by the Canada Health Alliance at the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia. There were about 60 people at peak attendance, among whom about a dozen came forward to speak of their own experiences.

See more videos on Youtube.

Mostly fake candles; Security frowns at real candles being lit anywhere close to the Legislature, or so we were told. Oddly, that wasn’t an issue for the candlelight vigil organised by the Ukrainian community in April.
Board to commemorate those who have left us.
Several speakers came forward to share their personal accounts.

Listening to people who claim to have been closely affected by events is among the best ways to assess the truth behind them, because distrusting impersonal media is one thing, while denying it in the face of those who experienced it is another. For example, I see plenty of denial and outright Russia apology pertaining to the war in Ukraine, by trolls rambling on social media that the mainstream media is fabricating it all, being met by Ukrainians who have experienced it or have been told by family what happened over there, and that never fails to shut the trolls up; likewise, I’m certain those who lump claims of vaccine injuries among crackpot conspiracies would struggle to keep their stance in front of someone shaking from Guillain-Barré syndrome after getting a shot.

This speaker got Guillain-Barré syndrome following a flu shot. His hands were shaking the whole time.

The following hour would get quite emotional. We’ve heard stories of patients dying within days of getting one vaccine or another (it didn’t have to be the COVID vaccine) or getting afflicted by lifelong neurological conditions. Likewise, there were multiple accounts of loved ones committing suicide as a result of being completely ostracised by the system after turning down the COVID vaccine. And nearly all of them had something to say about the system sweeping the truth under the rug.

One particularly emotional speaker gets gang-hugged by the crowd after recounting his wife’s suicide; he’s hidden somewhere among these people.

Of course I’m certain that governments would respond by touting just how safe vaccines are, that severe adverse reactions are rare, and that vaccine mandates save lives. Well, I dare them to come forward, face that crowd, and tell them just that in person, because these people would no longer remain silence about being treated like collateral damage; they had come forward for a reckoning.

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