Victoria’s Iranian Diaspora Doubles Down on Denouncing Mahsa Amini’s Death

The Islamic Republic would have us believe the Mahsa Amini protests have died down already, but they haven't, not in Iran and not overseas either.

This time about 500 people, more than double that of the previous rally, gathered before the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, denouncing the death of Mahsa Amini at the hands of the Iranian fashion police and clamouring for the downfall of the Islamic Republic.

“Iranians need support”, says the banner. Feel free to join in, it concerns you too.

Following a takedown request for security reasons, I have made an effort to avoid showing people’s faces in the material posted on this platform for this event. In addition, I would like to state my policy of honouring every reasonable takedown request without question; if you’re recognisable on any picture or video and wish not to be, whatever the reason, I’ll take the relevant content down without argument.

Watch more videos on Youtube.

The formula this time was closer to that of the last rally denouncing the Russian invasion of Ukraine. There were no speeches, nor needed there be any; everything had been said on the previous occasion. People just lined up on both sides of Belleville Street before the Legislature and chanted slogans such as “Women, life, freedom” and “Death to the dictator!” for about an hour and a half, supported by honking cars.

The atmosphere was somewhat festive in spite of the anger. People just like coming together over common ground.

Also notable is that the turnout is rapid swelling, especially for a small locality like Victoria where protests tend to be much more modest in size. But there is something about this movement which captures the hearts and minds of people beyond the Iranian diaspora; whereas last time it comprised the majority of the protesters, this time the crowd was far more diverse.

Beautiful weather is always a boon to a protest.
The protesters form a human chain.

This shows that in the age of social media, the era of reclusive regimes oppressing their people with barely a shrug from the international community is coming to an end. Nowadays a single death may prove one too many, and protest movements can sweep the whole world within days. Human rights violations can no longer be contained within national borders and governments can no longer escape accountability by asserting their sovereignty abroad and suppressing information at home. Likewise, governments worldwide can no longer pretend violations abroad do not concern them; either protesters at home will pressure them to take action against an oppressive regime, or the said oppressive regime may retaliate against dissidents far beyond its own borders. Social media have turned the fight for human rights into a global arena where oppression of a people in any given country concerns everyone worldwide, and in which anyone with a sign or cellphone can make a difference.

“Free Iran, Safer World”, says the sign. What happens abroad doesn’t stay abroad, it concerns everyone worldwide. By the way, here’s your first Farsi lesson: “Zan, Zendegi, Azadi” means “Woman, Life, Freedom”.

More Mahsa Amini protest coverage:

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