Freedom for Iran Rally Marches on BC Legislature in Victoria

In a world beset by turmoil, hundreds manage to rally, among a sea of countless thousands, to support a people in revolt thousands of kilometres away.

Sign: Zan Zendegi Azadi (Woman, Life, Freedom)

About 350 protesters, largely from the Iranian diaspora, rallied at Centennial Square in Victoria and marched all the way to the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, denouncing the brutal murder of Mahsa Amini at the hands of the Iranian morality police and demanding the fall of the Islamic regime.

Freedom for Iran Rally @ Victoria, BC: 2022/10/22 17:39:00
Watch more videos on Youtube.
She’s not shy, hiding behind her sign, she just loves it very much. And maybe she doesn’t want her family back in Iran to end up in prison because of her political activism here.

Out of concern for the safety of those who may face retaliation in Iran for expressing their stance here, I have made an effort not to show the marchers’ faces on the material posted here. In any case, I have a policy of honouring any reasonable takedown request without question; if you’re recognisable on any picture or video posted on this site and wish not to be, that’s good enough for me.

Islamic Republic vs Iran: a nice way to illustrate the struggle between a government and its people.

As for the previous Freedom for Iran rally, there were no need for speeches; chanting “Woman, Life, Freedom!” and “Death to the dictator!” was explicit enough. In this respect, they joined countless thousands of protesters across the world marching in solidarity with the Iranian people whose resolve has yet to be broken by the regime’s brutal repression.

I so wish I had a better camera; taking a good picture in poor lighting conditions is almost impossible with a cheap tablet.

Of significance was the support offered to the Ukrainian people as well, who are not only besieged by the Russian invader but also relentlessly beset by Iranian drones. It should come as no surprise that evil regimes sleep together out of spite, of course, and the marchers related with the Ukrainian’s own struggle in an almost apologetic fashion.

SIgns: I am not free while any woman is unfree. Iran will soon see freedom.
Well said. No need for speeches with signs like these.

Recent events have shown that we’re all in this together worldwide. Human rights concern everyone, irrespective of nationality, and all causes inevitably overlap. The era of globalisation has also globalised protests and activism, rallying peoples under interwoven banners. Evil regimes like the Islamic Republic of Iran keep playing by cold war rules when information could still be suppressed and the message controlled with propaganda, and just like Russia and China, Iran discovers too late that governments nowadays can no longer keep a tight lid on the Internet. Information wants to be free, and so do people.

More Freedom for Iran rally coverage: