Dozens Gather for a Frack Free BC

This one was a cool rally, which I wish had been held at a different location. Does a tree falling in a forest make noise if there is no one to witness it?

About 60 environmental activists gathered at MLA Murray Rankin’s office to demand an end to fracking in BC.

The event was hosted by environmental advocacy groups Dogwood and Frack Free BC, and held in conjunction with Frack Free BC’s week of action, holding rallies in various communities across the province.

Watch more videos on Youtube.
Excellent turnout for such an event. If only the MLA had been present…
Very cool sign!
Fracking is a colossal waste of water, most acutely felt in the midst of a drought.

Guest speakers were Kiki Wood of, and Dr. Janet Ray of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE). Both denounced the widespread impact of fracking across the province, from air pollution and climate impact to groundwater poisoning, and urged our government to put an end to the practice.

Wood in particular stressed the fact that fracking is far more widespread in BC than people might think; it’s not just in Texas or Pennsylvania. As for Dr. Ray, she highlighted the link between fracking wells and cancer, and encouraged people to make socially conscious choices to facilitate the transition to cleaner energy sources.

This rally at an MLA office is one of many hosted by large advocacy groups such as Dogwood. Unfortunately, they usually receive very little exposure, especially when held after business hours, and this instance was no exception. Holding them at more suitable locations, such as a busy intersection or right outside a news studio, might improve their effectiveness.

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