I’m Taking a Short Break from Blogging and Events
I just have too much going on right now and I’m burning myself out big time.

As the title says, I won’t be blogging or attending events for the next few weeks. This includes the weekly Palestine solidarity protest and the upcoming International Overdose Awareness Day events.
Since I’ve started calling myself a legal advocate I’ve been flooded with requests for help. Most of these are from homeless people, as you would expect. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes I can’t talk about just yet; I’ll be playing catch-up with reporting from the front lines some time in September or October.
I was planning to take a few days off after burning myself out with research, advocacy, legal observation, and organising, but this morning I just got a call for escalation from an acquaintance and it’s a matter or life and death, so to hell with my break.
At the same time, I’m not a healthy person; I continually flirt with my limits and risk ending up in a hospital bed. And I’ve got my own issues to deal with, such as an upcoming PWD application I’ve been postponing for way too long.
So something has to give, and I decided it’s my hobby as rabble-rouser. Everyone, have a lot of fun without me.
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