I’m Taking a Short Break from Blogging and Events

I just have too much going on right now and I'm burning myself out big time.

As the title says, I won’t be blogging or attending events for the next few weeks. This includes the weekly Palestine solidarity protest and the upcoming International Overdose Awareness Day events.

Since I’ve started calling myself a legal advocate I’ve been flooded with requests for help. Most of these are from homeless people, as you would expect. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes I can’t talk about just yet; I’ll be playing catch-up with reporting from the front lines some time in September or October.

I was planning to take a few days off after burning myself out with research, advocacy, legal observation, and organising, but this morning I just got a call for escalation from an acquaintance and it’s a matter or life and death, so to hell with my break.

At the same time, I’m not a healthy person; I continually flirt with my limits and risk ending up in a hospital bed. And I’ve got my own issues to deal with, such as an upcoming PWD application I’ve been postponing for way too long.

So something has to give, and I decided it’s my hobby as rabble-rouser. Everyone, have a lot of fun without me.

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Are you protesting social injustice?

Whether you're denouncing police brutality or government overreach, clamouring for a safe drug supply or affordable housing, defending homeless encampments or fighting off the colonial invader, advocating for the disabled or racial minorities, pursuing either legal or extralegal means of retaliation, you'll find plenty of interest within these pages by a fellow insurrectionist butting heads with a callous society and a corrupt system. Come misbehave with the rest of us!

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