How to Get a Medical Cannabis Prescription in British Columbia

You may be forgiven to presume obtaining a medical cannabis prescription is as easy as asking a general practitioner. That’s what I thought, and that’s what every outreach worker I consulted with thought too. It’s actually more complicated than that, but it’s still navigable and it’s worth it in the end.

There are multiple benefits over supplying at a local dispensary. If nothing else, a prescription can come in handy if you need to travel (but not outside the country, unfortunately) where rules are more strict than in your home province. Since it is a medical expense, it is tax-deductible. If you have low income, you may be eligible for compassionate pricing, which may cut down the price by about 20-35%. You’ll gain access to pharmaceutical-grade products, and your prescription medication will be delivered by mail instead of having to be picked up. A whole team of specialised medical practitioners will be available to monitor your progress and provide medical advice. And if you end up incarcerated, the detention facility has to supply you with a synthetic analogue at least.

Of course this is only for patients with serious medical conditions, such as severe anxiety or depression, epilepsy, chronic pain, or inflammatory bowel diseases. The process begins with a lengthy questionnaire, which takes at least 15 minutes to complete, and you really have to build a case that will sway a doctor, which is not easy. I strongly suggest doing some research beforehand so you can word your answers in clinical terms.

My own experience was with Apollo Cannabis, which has clinics across the country and offers phone interviews. Their response time was surprisingly fast and it didn’t take any long to talk to a doctor who, based on my questionnaire answers, granted me a medical cannabis prescription without fuss. I was also guided through the whole process of actually getting my medication by an educational specialist that proved very knowledgeable overall. I also got appointments scheduled in the following months to see how I respond to the treatment.

Instead of walking into a dispensary, I’m now to deal with Spectrum Therapeutics, a medical cannabis provider. Their products are similar to those available in dispensaries but the quality controls are more stringent. The prices are higher (at least for oil), but with compassionate pricing or tax refunds it may actually be cheaper this way for some people. My medication is to be shipped by mail to my place of residence. And I can now carry it with me without risking being charged with public intoxication or under some obscure local bylaw.

So is it worth it for you? I suggest trying cannabis by yourself first, and if you respond well then it’s easier to make your pitch to a doctor (that’s what I did). If you’re already a regular user, then a prescription can relieve you of the stigma of being a recreational user. So if you’re eligible, I say go for it; the benefits can vastly outweigh the red tape.

Tags: Health Care

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