Tiny Homes and Cognitive Dissonance at Victoria City Hall

"We need tiny homes just like Duncan's Village here in Victoria!" say two councillors who voted to close Tiny Town.

Recently, two of the city of Victoria councillors praised Duncan’s Village, operated by the Lookout society, for implementing a solution to our homelessness crisis. So say Krista Loughton and Dave Thompson:

Sounds awesome, right? Except for the fact that the current council unanimously voted in March to close Tiny Town by the end of September, despite being the very same concept. You’re read this right: councillors praising the very solution they’re shutting down.

I raised the issue with them. Both tried to squirm their way out of it by blaming the decision on the previous council, in spite of the deadline having been put forward by the current council. Not one councillor voted against the motion. Not one councillor proposed an extension.

Councillor Loughton even had the nerve of blaming the misunderstanding on my reading comprehension skills. Well, feel free to test yours, because we’re quite a few advocates to have independently reached the same conclusion. The minutes of the March 9th meeting are right here, pages 3 to 9. Here’s the text of the final motion for reference:

On the main motion as amended:
That Council:

  1. Authorize the City to enter into an extension agreement for the Licence of Occupation with Our Place Society, in a legal form acceptable to the City Solicitor, to extend the temporary purpose-built transitional housing Tiny Home Village, until September, 30th, 2023, located on the Royal Athletic Park parking lot at 940 Caledonia Avenue and 953 and 963 Green Street (“940 Caledonia”). This authorization is subject to all current licence provisions and to agreement by BC Housing to assume and fund costs, during the extension period, previously funded by the City associated with Tiny Homes, including utilities, maintenance and 24/7 security and that Council strongly encourages BC Housing to consider additional security for the perimeter and vicinity of the Tiny Town Village to mitigate any negative impacts to the community in consultation with neighbours in the proximity of Tiny Town Village, as the project comes to an end.
  2. Authorize the Director of Strategic Real Estate to notify the Licensee, Our Place Society, the project funder, BC Housing, and the modular unit supplier, Alliance to End Homelessness in the Capital Region, that there will be no further licence extensions beyond September 30th, 2023.
  3. If approved, Council refer this motion to the daytime council meeting on March 9, 2023.

[Emphasis added]

Let’s be frank: the current council isn’t part of the solution, because it’s the problem. If we are to solve the homelessness crisis, we’ll have to fight them, plain and simple. Let them know their sophistry fools no one.

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