Palestinian Supporters Rally at BC Legislature for Fourth Weekend in a Row

Israel may finally have crossed the line in the court of public opinion because the recent wave of support for Palestine shows no sign of subsiding. Residents of Victoria keep showing up in huge numbers and their outrage does not abate.

At least five hundred Palestinian supporters rallied at the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia in Victoria to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the end of the decades-long occupation of Palestine by Israel.

Watch more videos on Youtube.

The event was held in coordination with a worldwide campaign of rallies this Saturday, the most prominent of which being an immense march in Washington DC that attracted tens of thousands of participants from all over the East Coast. Which did not make our own rally look any smaller, but actually way bigger.

Today’s crowd didn’t feel any small, even in comparison to the myriad of solidarity events held all over the world on the same date.

Once again protesters braved the elements to get their message heard, including strong winds and even rain. Their message wasn’t any easier to speak than previous times either. A Palestinian speaker whose family was chased out of Haifa needed encouragement from the crowd to overcome a pause during her speech, because the words would not come out; how does one speak of her people’s intergenerational massacre without emotion? With all the courage she could muster, she stressed the fact that the occupation and genocide didn’t start in October of this year and exhorted the crowd to do whatever possible to put an end to the interminable conflict, including via Boycott, Displacement, and Sanctions.

“Think of the children” works both ways. Especially when playing the victim card loses its edge.
The crowd right before the march.

We got some sunny weather just in time for the march across town, which today led on Government Street up to Pandora Avenue, then back to the Legislature. The crowd, faithful to its strategy of targeting Israel’s sponsors, made two halts at Starbucks to denounce it targeting a union for tweeting in support of Palestine. I overheard a BC Transit employee on board a nearby bus wondering indignantly what Starbucks had to do with the conflict, which illustrates the considerable rift between factions as a parallel conflict plays out in the court of public opinion.

If Israel does not stop blockading Gaza, we’ll keep blockading roads.
Nobody will silence this guy. Even if he falls, someone will grab his megaphone and keep shouting.
The marchers occupying Pandora Avenue. This time we had three giant Palestinian flags instead of just one. Makes me wonder what the view from above was like.
Will the “what about Hamas?” naysayers please shut up?

Back at the Legislature, the organisers were already mustering the crowd for the next rally, on Sunday, November 12, at 1PM. In the meantime, participants were once again exhorted not to just walk home until the next weekend protest, but to keep pressuring Israel by targeting our elected representatives—if only by telling the next bus driver why he shouldn’t buy his coffee at Starbucks anymore.

The UVic petition calling for a ceasefire in Gaza is still going strong, with 2845 signatures at the time of this writing. Add yours today!
Rainbow in the sky of Victoria. Just like today’s weather, may the current conflict subside and give way to peace.

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