Educators March for Palestine in Victoria
The Palestinian community in Victoria is constantly reaching out to different constituencies in search of allies. This week is educator week.

About 400 protesters gathered at the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia in Victoria in support of the Palestinian people, for the seventeenth weekend in a row, to demand a ceasefire in Gaza and the end of the Israeli occupation.

This weekend’s focus was on rallying educators behind the Palestinian flag. Multiple teachers took the mic to voice their angst at seeing so few of their numbers denouncing the genocide in Gaza, in spite of the Israel Defence Forces systematically eradicating Palestinian culture and institutions, in stark conflict with academic values. The same outrage was voiced at a recent UVic walkout with attracted about 440 people.

Activist Mark Grill in particular expressed his dismay after recounting how he reached out to the BC Teachers’ Federation looking for any kind of endorsement, only to be perfunctorily rebuffed. So far it’s proven very difficult to get worker unions to officially join the fray, which was the aim of last weekend’s demonstration.

Of course a common grievance among protesters was Minister of Post-Secondary Education Selina Robinson, who’s facing widespread calls for her resignation or dismissal after describing Gaza as a “a crappy piece of land with nothing on it.” Some in attendance expressed the view that no amount of apologies would be accepted, even if she rinsed her mouth with Drano.

Then came the time for the march. As usual a small group of counterprotesters awaited, but this time several Palestine supporters rushed to screen them by forming a wall before the cops were in formation, and some even walked around it with the intent of engaging with hostiles, only to be dissuaded by wardens and the police. There really seems to be a rift within the community pertaining to whether, and how, to confront hostiles; I would personally advise against it, since they only stand to benefit by instigating confrontation.

By the way, a vigil for Palestine will be held at the Legislature on Valentine’s Day, February 14th, at 7PM. There will be no speakers, only an opportunity to collectively mourn the victims of the genocide.

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