Effective immediately, I quit all activism and advocacy.
This is Rulebreakers’ last post.
I quit 1 Million Voices For Inclusion, Neighbourhood Solidarity with Unhoused Neighbours, Moms Stop The Harm, the National Encampment Litigation Strategy group, the Vancouver Island Solidarity Committee, the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users, Elders for Ancient Trees, my acting spokesperson for the Oaklands Park Residents Association, and every other affiliation I care not to list. To say nothing of all those I’ve already rage quit in the past year. Naturally, I’m aborting the Victoria Liberation Front.
I will honour the rare few remaining commitments I took with clients as an advocate, and that’s it. The rest of you simply aren’t worthy of my time, money, resources, ruining my health, and bottomless exasperation. I give up on you all.
If you need to be told why I’m making this decision, that’s why.
I won’t even say farewell because I don’t mean it anymore.
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