
Sneak Peak at the Israel-Palestine Doxxing War

Sneak Peak at the Israel-Palestine Doxxing War

Some amateur doxxer made the big mistake of following my Instagram account...

6 months ago

How to Engage with Detractors

Being an activist means engaging with people one disagrees with, sometimes strongly. A bit of diplomacy may be in order.

11 months ago

Postmortem: Aubrey’s Run Across BC

You've read about how big a success Aubrey's Run Across BC was. Now come read for a look behind the…

11 months ago

Survival Guide for the Introverted Activist

Ever dreamed of changing the world yet dithered because of that introversion thing? Read on.

1 year ago

Ultramarathoning for a Cause

Of course you know about Terry Fox. How much do you know about other athletes running for a cause?

1 year ago

Fact Check: Can Street Cannabis Be Laced with Fentanyl?

This question is most controversial even among advocates and generates a tremendous amount of vitriol wherever it's discussed. Let's have…

1 year ago

What Is a Safe Drug Supply?

The debate surrounding a safe drug supply has proven extremely polarising so far, in spite of the fact many among…

1 year ago

How to Organise a Protest

You think you're ready to raise hell? While rallying protesters may seem a daunting prospect, at least there's a way…

2 years ago

Never Let a Police Officer Near a Vulnerable Person

Sending the police after the homeless, addict, and mentally ill is the wrong tool for the job; it's like using…

2 years ago

How to File a Complaint Against a Police Officer

Police officers are notoriously made of Teflon and resist just about any attempt at holding them accountable, but it's still…

2 years ago

Are you protesting social injustice?

Whether you're denouncing police brutality or government overreach, clamouring for a safe drug supply or affordable housing, defending homeless encampments or fighting off the colonial invader, advocating for the disabled or racial minorities, pursuing either legal or extralegal means of retaliation, you'll find plenty of interest within these pages by a fellow insurrectionist butting heads with a callous society and a corrupt system. Come misbehave with the rest of us!

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