
Moms Stop The Harm Rallies Once Again To Demand Safe Drug Supply

Moms Stop The Harm Rallies Once Again To Demand Safe Drug Supply

In what has become a quarterly morbid ritual, moms have come back to hang pictures of loved ones lost to…

1 year ago

Fact Check: Can Street Cannabis Be Laced with Fentanyl?

This question is most controversial even among advocates and generates a tremendous amount of vitriol wherever it's discussed. Let's have…

2 years ago

Victoria Unites for Old Growth Forests

For a few hours, Victoria turned into Woodstock, its streets filled with thousands of protesters marching to demand old growth…

2 years ago

What Is a Safe Drug Supply?

The debate surrounding a safe drug supply has proven extremely polarising so far, in spite of the fact many among…

2 years ago

Grieving Triathlete Will Run Across British Columbia for a Safe Drug Supply

We've tried relentlessly harassing government officials into providing a safe drug supply, to no avail. Let's see whether taking our…

2 years ago

Homelessness Counts: A Community Forum in Victoria

Have a look at how our government constructively ignores advocates and victims of the homelessness crisis with yet another study…

2 years ago

Peers Victoria Rallies Sex Workers Denouncing Violence

Among all dirty topics, none is more anathematised than sex work. A mob of proud whores aims to overcome the…

2 years ago

Moms Stop The Harm Defies Rain to Demand Safe Drug Supply

How many people will show up for a rally under pouring rain? Quite a few, for a cause like ending…

2 years ago

Moms Stop The Harm Supports Marathon a Day for Safe Drug Supply

So far flash protests that come and go have proven ineffective at swaying public policy. Someone has decided to dig…

2 years ago

A Safe Drug Supply for Safer Communities

So far displaying portraits of lost loved ones and invoking grim death tolls did little to sway public opinion. What…

2 years ago

Are you protesting social injustice?

Whether you're denouncing police brutality or government overreach, clamouring for a safe drug supply or affordable housing, defending homeless encampments or fighting off the colonial invader, advocating for the disabled or racial minorities, pursuing either legal or extralegal means of retaliation, you'll find plenty of interest within these pages by a fellow insurrectionist butting heads with a callous society and a corrupt system. Come misbehave with the rest of us!

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