Civil Disobedience

1 Million Voices For Inclusion Protests We Unify Conference

1 Million Voices For Inclusion Protests We Unify Conference

Although the event was a relative success, its outcome leaves me most apprehensive. Regretfully, we had to end it early.

1 week ago

Pro-Palestine Activists Hold Press Conference at Vancouver Police Headquarters

The VPD's latest crackdown on Palestine supporters drew the ire of civil rights advocates, who issued a challenge to the…

2 weeks ago

Hundreds Rally in Emergency for Rafah in Victoria

Today's images from Gaza on mainstream and social media alike were just too much for hundreds of activists to ignore.

1 month ago

Palestine Supporters Hold Emergency Rally for Rafah

Where were you when bombs rained on Rafah? Once again I was with dozens of fellow protesters occupying the streets.

2 months ago

Palestine Saturday Rallies at Legislature and UVic Encampment

Two Palestine solidarity rallies competed for my attention this Saturday, and I did my best to cover them both.

2 months ago

UVic Students Set Up Palestine Solidarity Encampment

We all saw the wave of Palestine solidarity campus encampments coming miles ahead, and it's finally reached Victoria.

2 months ago

Activists Shut Down BC Pension Corporation for Palestine

Today's modest demonstration may have escaped public notice among countless actions in a worldwide call for economic disruption, but it…

3 months ago

Unhoused and Advocates Confront Victoria City Council

Tonight we supporters of the unhoused community packed the room at Victoria City Hall to make an impression on the…

3 months ago

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Community Rally for the Unhoused at Victoria City Hall

Rally to stop the sweeps at Victoria City Hall, Thursday April 11th at 5:30PM.

3 months ago

Vancouver Island Rallies in Support of Rainbow Eyes

Today I saw the judiciary on trial in the court of public opinion, before a jury of forty of its…

3 months ago

Are you protesting social injustice?

Whether you're denouncing police brutality or government overreach, clamouring for a safe drug supply or affordable housing, defending homeless encampments or fighting off the colonial invader, advocating for the disabled or racial minorities, pursuing either legal or extralegal means of retaliation, you'll find plenty of interest within these pages by a fellow insurrectionist butting heads with a callous society and a corrupt system. Come misbehave with the rest of us!

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