Civil Rights

Pro-Palestine Activists Hold Press Conference at Vancouver Police Headquarters

Pro-Palestine Activists Hold Press Conference at Vancouver Police Headquarters

The VPD's latest crackdown on Palestine supporters drew the ire of civil rights advocates, who issued a challenge to the…

3 months ago

Trans Rights Activists Address Victoria City Council

Thirty trans rights activists answered the call of 1 Million Voices For Inclusion and rallied at Centennial Square to support…

4 months ago

‘We Unify’ Has Become the Party of Transphobes

This is my response to Clyde Nichols, one speaker for its upcoming conference, who denies any knowledge of the creeps…

4 months ago

Trans Rights Activists Welcome Artur Pawlowski to Victoria

Infamous Alberta preacher Artur Pawlowski may be a pandemic folk hero to some, his social views would bring us all…

4 months ago

An Outreach Worker Called the Police on My Neighbour After a Drug Overdose

Sometimes outreach workers do the dumbest things, like calling the cops on a mentally ill person who just had an…

4 months ago

Queer Community Rallies for Transgender Rights in Vancouver

Did you know that queer pride started as a riot against police brutality? That's why cops aren't welcome at pride…

4 months ago

Victoria Celebrates Trans Day of Visibility

While I prefer documenting protests with cops and hostiles, occasionally I write about advocacy, and today is transgender people's turn.

6 months ago

Busy Saturday: Four Events, about Disability Benefits, Rights of Foreign Students, Drug Policy, and Palestine

Okay, I've attended no less than four events in town today, and I'm not about to write a whole piece…

6 months ago

DOUBLE FEATURE: Activists Rally at BC Legislature for Migrant Spring, Palestine Counterprotest

Today I'm covering two events about causes that reach out to broad and overlapping audiences: migrant rights and Palestine liberation.

6 months ago

Victoria Rallies Around Indigenous Community’s Stolen Sisters

Today's march wasn't portrayed as a protest by the organisers. But not every protest blares slogans with a megaphone; some…

8 months ago

Are you protesting social injustice?

Whether you're denouncing police brutality or government overreach, clamouring for a safe drug supply or affordable housing, defending homeless encampments or fighting off the colonial invader, advocating for the disabled or racial minorities, pursuing either legal or extralegal means of retaliation, you'll find plenty of interest within these pages by a fellow insurrectionist butting heads with a callous society and a corrupt system. Come misbehave with the rest of us!

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