Civil Rights

Retrospective: The Section 504 Sit-in

Retrospective: The Section 504 Sit-in

Doubtful a bunch of literal cripples can fight the government and win? History proves it's possible.

2 years ago

Dozens Attend Canada Health Alliance’s Candlelight Vigil to Commemorate Vaccine Injuries at BC Legislature in Victoria

Claims of vaccine injuries are often met with frowns, if not knee-jerk denial. The people who gathered to speak tonight…

2 years ago

Retrospective: Ottawa’s Freedom Convoy

You've read all about the Freedom Convoy already. But have you spent any thought about what could be learned from…

2 years ago

Reclaiming Canada: WeUnify Rallies Hundreds at BC Legislature in Victoria to Discuss Regime Change

Had enough of corrupt and inept politicians ruling by diktat, advancing their agendas with bullshit and fear-mongering? So had these…

2 years ago

History of Rent and Mortgage Strikes

Amid a housing crisis and skyrocketing rents, what's more relevant than discussing rent strikes?

2 years ago

Retired RCMP Officer with PTSD Wins Case Against Port Alberni B&B Before BC Human Rights Tribunal

Here's a perfect example of how to respond to a civil rights infraction under the BC Human Rights Code, by…

2 years ago

We Unify Canada Commemorates the 40th Anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Victoria

Did you think the Freedom Convoys were over? Not quite; this event was worth attending.

2 years ago

How to File a Lawsuit at the BC Human Rights Tribunal

While tribunals aren't my favourite tribune to air one's civil and human rights grievances, they may nevertheless prove an accessible…

2 years ago

Open Letter to BC’s Human Rights Commissioner, in Response to Urging the Reinstatement of the Mask Mandate

How can a public official such as the BC Human Rights Commissioner petition the government to restrict civil liberties?

3 years ago

Freedom Convoy Protesters Keep Gathering at BC Parliament in Victoria Despite Setbacks

Both sides made serious planning mistakes which made the situation on the ground outright chaotic, to the perplexity of all…

3 years ago

Are you protesting social injustice?

Whether you're denouncing police brutality or government overreach, clamouring for a safe drug supply or affordable housing, defending homeless encampments or fighting off the colonial invader, advocating for the disabled or racial minorities, pursuing either legal or extralegal means of retaliation, you'll find plenty of interest within these pages by a fellow insurrectionist butting heads with a callous society and a corrupt system. Come misbehave with the rest of us!

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