
Iranian Diaspora Stages 2-day Hunger Strike Before BC Legislature

Iranian Diaspora Stages 2-day Hunger Strike Before BC Legislature

Amid escalating violence against protesters in Iran, some Iranian activists make a desperate call for action.

2 years ago

Freedom for Iran Rally Marches on BC Legislature in Victoria

In a world beset by turmoil, hundreds manage to rally, among a sea of countless thousands, to support a people…

2 years ago

Victoria’s Iranian Diaspora Doubles Down on Denouncing Mahsa Amini’s Death

The Islamic Republic would have us believe the Mahsa Amini protests have died down already, but they haven't, not in…

2 years ago

Iranian Diaspora Denounces Mahsa Amini’s Murder and Government Repression in Victoria

Like the war in Ukraine, the latest Iranian uprising is being fought globally, in the court of public opinion. This…

2 years ago

Are you protesting social injustice?

Whether you're denouncing police brutality or government overreach, clamouring for a safe drug supply or affordable housing, defending homeless encampments or fighting off the colonial invader, advocating for the disabled or racial minorities, pursuing either legal or extralegal means of retaliation, you'll find plenty of interest within these pages by a fellow insurrectionist butting heads with a callous society and a corrupt system. Come misbehave with the rest of us!

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