
Postmortem: We Unify Campaign

Postmortem: We Unify Campaign

Our campaign against the We Unify: Reclaiming Canada conference was a mitigated success. Come read about what went right, what…

2 months ago

Pivot Legal and the BCCLA Send Letter to Victoria City Council over its Treatment of the Unhoused Community

We advocates had been warning the Victoria city council for a while that it was crossing the line by closing…

2 months ago

I’m Migrating from Large Corporate Social Networks like Facebook and Twitter

With the likes of Meta blocking news in Canada and Twitter arbitrarily suspending accounts, I've decided to update my social…

2 months ago

Victoria Marches for Palestine, Take Forty-Two

Those who arrived as late as usual have missed some good speeches, while others have missed the event altogether. Show…

2 months ago

Palestine Supporters Keep Rallying as Crisis Heats Up Globally

Turnout at Saturday rallies may be dipping at the peak of the summer holiday period, the heat on the ground…

2 months ago

VicPD Ramps Up Presence on Pandora Avenue

I express concern that an emboldened police force will be committing rampant civil rights abuses if left unchecked, against a…

2 months ago

Victoria City Council Debates Cracking Down on Pandora Encampment

Once again the council was sharply divided about how to address a crisis of its own making, and some of…

2 months ago

The Pandora Encampment is a Pressure Cooker About to Explode

The City of Victoria has manufactured a humanitarian crisis by concentrating homeless people in a single block, and it's about…

2 months ago

Victoria Marches for Palestine, Take Forty

It was yet another routine rally, concluding an otherwise eventful week. Come catch up with the latest Palestine news.

3 months ago

Animal Rights Activists Denounce Empress Hotel for Selling Fur

While I normally don't write about animal rights, I too draw the line at cruelty. Let's talk about that wonderful…

3 months ago

Are you protesting social injustice?

Whether you're denouncing police brutality or government overreach, clamouring for a safe drug supply or affordable housing, defending homeless encampments or fighting off the colonial invader, advocating for the disabled or racial minorities, pursuing either legal or extralegal means of retaliation, you'll find plenty of interest within these pages by a fellow insurrectionist butting heads with a callous society and a corrupt system. Come misbehave with the rest of us!

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