
Busy Saturday: Four Events, about Disability Benefits, Rights of Foreign Students, Drug Policy, and Palestine

Busy Saturday: Four Events, about Disability Benefits, Rights of Foreign Students, Drug Policy, and Palestine

Okay, I've attended no less than four events in town today, and I'm not about to write a whole piece…

6 months ago

DOUBLE FEATURE: Activists Rally at BC Legislature for Migrant Spring, Palestine Counterprotest

Today I'm covering two events about causes that reach out to broad and overlapping audiences: migrant rights and Palestine liberation.

7 months ago

Activists Keep Striking at Scotiabank to Make it Divest from Elbit Systems

Scotiabank has been a darling of Palestine supporters in the past few months, and it looks like the coddling is…

7 months ago

What Does One Say After Twenty-two Weeks of Genocide?

The emcee was at a loss for words today, after pleading for so long that which should require no argument…

7 months ago

Multiple Actions for Palestine on International Women’s Day

Today I've attended both the Feminists Rise for Palestine rally at Centennial Square and the Health Care Workers for Palestine…

7 months ago

Activists Keep Reaching Out to Victoria in Solidarity with Palestine

Every movement evolves in its own bubble, presuming everyone else knows everything about its cause. Take the word of an…

7 months ago

Hostile Encounters along Latest Palestine March in Victoria

I've been sick since attending latest Saturday's Palestine solidarity march in Victoria, so here's some quick catching up.

7 months ago

Hunger Strike Activist Returns to Legislature Wielding List of Martyrs

I wrote before that governments don't fear ten thousand protesters showing up once and and walking home; they fear the…

7 months ago

Palestine Solidarity Activists Attempt to Disrupt Throne Speech at Legislature

Demonstrators took inspiration from organisations such as IfNotNow by attempting to disrupt the Speech for the Throne, in vain, and…

7 months ago

Activists Stage Palestine Solidarity Sit-in at Legislature

Organisers wouldn't call it a counterprotest, but we all knew the distinction lied solely in semantics.

7 months ago

Are you protesting social injustice?

Whether you're denouncing police brutality or government overreach, clamouring for a safe drug supply or affordable housing, defending homeless encampments or fighting off the colonial invader, advocating for the disabled or racial minorities, pursuing either legal or extralegal means of retaliation, you'll find plenty of interest within these pages by a fellow insurrectionist butting heads with a callous society and a corrupt system. Come misbehave with the rest of us!

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