
Elders For Ancient Trees Performs Flash Mobs Ahead of February Rally

Elders For Ancient Trees Performs Flash Mobs Ahead of February Rally

These activists want their upcoming February rally at the Legislature to succeed so badly, they're organising rallies to promote their…

2 years ago

“Why does nobody show up to our rallies?”

Indeed, how come seemingly well-organised rallies fail to attract protesters? Let's review one such rally to see what went wrong.

2 years ago

How to Organise a Protest

You think you're ready to raise hell? While rallying protesters may seem a daunting prospect, at least there's a way…

2 years ago

Dozens of Land Defenders Converge on RBC for Kill the Drill Rally

Did you think the RCMP had broken environmental activists opposing the Coastal Gaslink pipeline? It didn't feel like it at…

2 years ago

Moms Stop The Harm Defies Rain to Demand Safe Drug Supply

How many people will show up for a rally under pouring rain? Quite a few, for a cause like ending…

2 years ago

Freedom for Iran Rally Marches on BC Legislature in Victoria

In a world beset by turmoil, hundreds manage to rally, among a sea of countless thousands, to support a people…

2 years ago

BC Health Care Matters Rallies at Legislature in Victoria

Over a hundred angry protesters rallied before the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia at the call of BC Health Care…

2 years ago

Moms Stop The Harm Supports Marathon a Day for Safe Drug Supply

So far flash protests that come and go have proven ineffective at swaying public policy. Someone has decided to dig…

2 years ago

Save Old Growth Stages Protest at BC Legislature in Victoria

After disastrous setbacks and a period of introspection, the group is back on a charm offensive with a new strategy.

2 years ago

Victoria’s Iranian Diaspora Doubles Down on Denouncing Mahsa Amini’s Death

The Islamic Republic would have us believe the Mahsa Amini protests have died down already, but they haven't, not in…

2 years ago

Are you protesting social injustice?

Whether you're denouncing police brutality or government overreach, clamouring for a safe drug supply or affordable housing, defending homeless encampments or fighting off the colonial invader, advocating for the disabled or racial minorities, pursuing either legal or extralegal means of retaliation, you'll find plenty of interest within these pages by a fellow insurrectionist butting heads with a callous society and a corrupt system. Come misbehave with the rest of us!

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